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Custom Path Optimizers

If you want to implement or just experiment with custom contaction paths then you can easily by subclassing the opt_einsum.paths.PathOptimizer object. For example, imagine we want to test the path that just blindly contracts the first pair of tensors again and again. We would implement this as:

import opt_einsum as oe

class MyOptimizer(oe.paths.PathOptimizer):

    def __call__(self, inputs, output, size_dict, memory_limit=None):
        return [(0, 1)] * (len(inputs) - 1)

Once defined we can use this as:

import numpy as np

# set-up a random contraction
eq, shapes = oe.helpers.rand_equation(10, 3, seed=42)
arrays = list(map(np.ones, shapes))

# set-up our optimizer and use it
optimizer = MyOptimizer()
path, path_info = oe.contract_path(eq, *arrays, optimize=optimizer)

#> [(0, 1), (0, 1), (0, 1), (0, 1), (0, 1), (0, 1), (0, 1), (0, 1), (0, 1)]

#> 133.21363671496357

Note that though we still get a considerable speedup over einsum this is of course not a good strategy to take in general.

Custom Random Optimizers

If your custom path optimizer is inherently random, then you can reuse all the machinery of the random-greedy approach. Namely:

  • A max-repeats or max-time approach
  • Minimization with respect to total flops or largest intermediate size
  • Parallelization using a pool-executor

This is done by subclassing the opt_einsum.paths.RandomOptimizer object and implementing a setup method. Here's an example where we just randomly select any path (again, although we get a considerable speedup over einsum this is not a good strategy to take in general):

from opt_einsum.path_random import ssa_path_compute_cost

class MyRandomOptimizer(oe.path_random.RandomOptimizer):

    def random_path(r, n, inputs, output, size_dict):
        """Picks a completely random contraction order.
        ssa_path = []
        remaining = set(range(n))
        while len(remaining) > 1:
            i, j = np.random.choice(list(remaining), size=2, replace=False)
            remaining.add(n + len(ssa_path))
            ssa_path.append((i, j))
        cost, size = ssa_path_compute_cost(ssa_path, inputs, output, size_dict)
        return ssa_path, cost, size

    def setup(self, inputs, output, size_dict):
        """Prepares the function and arguments to repeatedly call.
        n = len(inputs)
        trial_fn = self.random_path
        trial_args = (n, inputs, output, size_dict)
        return trial_fn, trial_args

Which we can now instantiate using various other options:

optimizer = MyRandomOptimizer(max_repeats=1000, max_time=10,
                              parallel=True, minimize='size')
path, path_info = oe.contract_path(eq, *arrays, optimize=optimizer)

#> [(3, 4), (1, 3), (0, 3), (3, 5), (3, 4), (3, 4), (1, 0), (0, 1), (0, 1)]

#> 712829.9451056132

There are a few things to note here:

  1. The core function (MyRandomOptimizer.random_path here), should take a trial number r as it first argument
  2. It should return a ssa_path (see opt_einsum.paths.ssa_to_linear and opt_einsum.paths.linear_to_ssa) as well as a flops-cost and max-size.
  3. The setup method prepares this function, as well as any input to it, so that the trials will look roughly like [trial_fn(r, *trial_args) for r in range(max_repeats)]. If you need to parse the standard arguments (into a network for example), it thus only needs to be done once per optimization

More details about opt_einsum.paths.RandomOptimizer options can be found in RandomGreedyPathPage section.